Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Natural Remedies, Foods and Recipes by Lorena Garvey-Shepley

Natural Remedies, Foods and Recipes by Lorena Garvey-Shepley

As women, and natural caregivers, we often hold knowledge in relation to natural remedies. Indigenous teachings often hold the answer to some ailments but these secrets are held in ALL cultures. Modern Pharmaceuticals have been around for a relatively short time in comparison to how long humans have been around so these remedies that have been used throughout time are still within our reach. Think of home remedies and "old wives tales" that you may remember your grandmother or great-grandmother using (I remember when I was little my Great-grandmother wanted to put urine in my ear for a severe earache). This is age old knowledge that may have been passed down over centuries or even longer. Often, these remedies were kept secret. This comes from the persecution that came with holding this knowledge from the Church. Women holding this knowledge(often Pagan) were actually doctors but because they were so powerful (and God forbid a WOMAN being powerful!) they were accused of being witches which led to severe persecution for themselves and family and sometimes their whole village would be destroyed. This, in turn, led to these remedies and cures going "underground" and kept quite secretive over the past few centuries. It is time to liberate those secrets!

Over the past century Pharmaceuticals have developed in a way that has much of society dependant on them. And to make matters worse they often don't even help that much but our bodies have become reliant to functioning with this so called "medicine". Yet much of the time the part of the drug that is actually helpful has been developed from a species that has been found in nature (especially rainforests) and the synthesized. 

There has been a portion of our society that has begun making a move toward more natural remedies through diet and often, thanks to social media, this knowledge can be accessed through "Farmacology" websites. People are also making a move to purchase more local, organic and non-GMO foods as well as some even learning and implementing foraging techniques. Knowing indigenous plant life in your local area is important as well as making sure we have areas where local indigenous plants can be accessed. 

There has been some knowledge already shared in our group on the health benefits of certain foods. This file should serve to expand on that concept as well as to provide easier access to sharing and accessing this information.To access the file just go to the top of the group page, click on "File" and then go to "Natural Remedies, Foods and Recipes"

DISCLAIMER: Any and all recipes and remedies accessed on this post are at your own risk. As with many things affecting health issues, one must consider allergies and use in moderation. Please DO NOT stop medication you are currently on without the consultation of your doctor.

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